About Us

Our Mission

Indigenous, rural and remote communities are more likely to experience elevated fine particle air pollution (PM2.5) concentrations from biomass smoke due to both summer wildfires and wood combustion for home heating, and residents of these communities are likely to be more susceptible to adverse effects spiritually, emotionally, physically and even mentally.

At the same time, data on PM2.5 exposures are often unavailable, owing to the lack of routine monitoring.

SmoKE is a collaborative project led by Health Canada, the Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE), the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER), the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). We aim to leverage new geospatial data and information on wildfire smoke exposure to support community level adoption of effective interventions to mitigate health impacts of smoke from wildfires and wood heating.

Mission GraphicPhoto credit: University of British Columbia Indigenous Studies in Kinesiology and The Indigenous Physical Activity & Cultural Circle Team

Project Team

Dave Stieb
Dave Stieb

Public Health Physician & Epidemiologist

Lulu Gao
Lulu Gao

Project Coordinator & Epidemiologist

Éric Lavigne
Éric Lavigne

Research Scientist

Gary Mallach
Gary Mallach

Air Health Effects Scientist

Sarah Henderson
Sarah Henderson

Scientific Director of Environmental Health Services

Naman Paul
Naman Paul

Data Scientist

Jeff Brook
Jeff Brook

Assistant Professor & Scientific Director

Dany Doiron
Dany Doiron

Managing Director

Rick Gao
Rick Gao

Lead Developer

Priya Patel
Priya Patel

Environmental Engineer & Data Scientist

Joey Syer
Joey Syer

Data Director

Isabel Tan
Isabel Tan

UI Designer

Jason Cook
Jason Cook

Climate Change Associate

Lynn Mallett
Lynn Mallett

Project Manager

Shianne McKay
Shianne McKay

Senior Project Manager

Céline Audette
Céline Audette

Senior Policy Analyst

Didier Davignon
Didier Davignon

Chief, Expert Systems & Geospatial Data

Tom Kovesi
Tom Kovesi

Pediatric Respirologist & Professor of Pediatrics

Casey Neathway
Casey Neathway

Public Health Inspector & Regional Director

Project Advisory Committee

Danielle Breton
Danielle Breton

Emergency Preparedness & Response Officer

Amy Christianson
Amy Christianson

Fire Social Scientist & Indigenous Fire Specialist

Pearl Mamakwa
Pearl Mamakwa

Research Assistant

Tara McGee
Tara McGee

Professor & Associate Dean

Michael McKay
Michael McKay

Director of Infrastructure & Housing

Rosalin Miles
Rosalin Miles

Indigenous Scholar & Research Associate

Erin Myers
Erin Myers

Director of Environment, Climate Change & Emergency Management

Linda Pillsworth
Linda Pillsworth

Healthy Housing Manager

Enobong Udofa
Enobong Udofa

Health Planner/Evaluation Specialist

Heather Warner
Heather Warner

Health Emergency Planner

Smoke Portal

© Copyright – Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE), 2024